High Performance Python: Prima Facie

Table of Contents


Once in a while memories of old pet projects (or imagined pet projects) bubble up again. This time it was fighty.

Many years ago friends and I played an online browser game called The Arena (which still ...

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Python UnitTest Discover Quirks

Pelican contains a test suite that uses Python’s UnitTest 2 [1], and working on Pelican’s source I had run that suite from time to time.

Yesterday, however, I was delighted with this:

$ unit2 discover -v

tests.test_settings (unittest2.loader.ModuleImportFailure) ... ERROR
tests.test_importer (unittest2.loader.ModuleImportFailure) ... ERROR
tests ...
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Python 3 Unicode-Bytes Quirks

Imagine in your program you compare two variables which contain strings. You are pretty sure that under certain circumstances both variables contain the same strings, — but somehow Python insists that they do not!

For a quick debug, you print out both variables and get

>>> print(s1, s2, s1 == s2)
b ...
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Porting feedgenerator to Py3k

Actually, here we already are some steps into my efforts to port Pelican [2] to Python 3, — I’ll write about the beginning steps later, promise. (Here is a first impression [3])

Feedgenerator 1.2.1 is a stand-alone version of a Django module with that name. During the port ...

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